At the start of another year...


We hope you all had a lovely Christmas time and are feeling hopeful for the coming year! We just wanted to give you an update on what is going on, what’s happened and what will expect will happen…(no, we don’t know the outcome of Brexit!)

As many of you know, last autumn Steve had his hip replaced. The operation was done on the 15th November and now, after 8 weeks he is walking a lot better and beginning to feel the transforming benefits of having the much-feared operation.

Another exciting bit of news is the opening of ‘Hole in the Hedge' cafe! At the beginning of November we welcomed Rebecca onto the site to open up a cafe enterprise here at the farm. Check out the Facebook page here: Hole in the Hedge . The cafe is open Monday - Friday from 8.00 - 2.30 and Saturdays 10.00 - 2.30. If you do come along please also leave a review on the trip advisor page or on Facebook. Oh, and there is really cosy indoor seating with blankets and warming electric fires so that you don’t have to stay away on cold days!


The farm….well, at the moment it is cold, but it is dry. Truthfully, the crops want a bit of rain, we want a bit of rain, (farmer’s are never happy are we!?). But, we can’t complain . The winter hasn’t (yet!) been too harsh, the sheep are content, the crops are growing and the grass is now beginning to recover. The rams were put with the sheep on the 25th September and they have a 5 month gestation period, so we will start lambing again in late February and throughout March which will then lead us nicely into our spring drilling season.

In the offices we have welcomed another new business; JMS First Aid have taken the downstairs of the ‘Stables’ and are running courses here on site if you’re interested. We also have another new business moving into the Well C in the coming months. We feel continually blessed by God at how often people drive down the lane looking for office or workshop space.

HS2 continues to be a nuisance for us. We are still uncertain about when they will actually start the build and at the moment there are just more and more walk over surveys, archaeological digs and nature surveys..

Now, get your diaries out for these 2019 provisional dates:

  • March 30th - lambing open day

  • June 15th - barn dance (TBC)

  • September 28th - autumn open day

  • December 14th - Carols in the barn

We will confirm all those dates closer to the times and of course have posters for you to look at and share.

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